Country Knitting of Maine 2024 Keep Maine Warm Hat Contest Winners
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The 2024 Hat Contest was a complete success with 701 hats entered. We also received 311 pairs of mittens/gloves, 1 scarf, 7 pairs of slippers, 9 headbands and 21 pairs of socks. We will have some warm Maine residents this year. Thank you very much everyone for helping with this project!!!!

This is my great granddaughter, Rylan, age 2 helping with the hat sorting. She had a ball.
Winners for 2024
1. Overall judges favorite - Rita McElroy
2. Most Unique Hat - Linda Hebert
3. Most Creative use of colors - Lynn Acquard
4.Favorite Men’s hat - Linda Hebert
5. Favorite Ladies hat - Elaine Myers
6. Favorite Toddler hat - Pia Given
7. Favorite Infant hat - Lynn Acquard
8. Favorite style - Helga Brumley
9. The most Colors in one hat - JoAnn Smith
The following generous sponsors will donate the following prizes:
Numbers correspond with categories above. 1. 6 month subscription to Knit It Now from Sue Jalowiec of www.knititnow.com 2. Yarn Winder from Linda Williams of c ountryknittingofmaine.com 3. A pattern book from Country Knitting of Maine (Winners choice up to $20 value) 4. Pattern book of your choice from Michael Becker of www.dknits.com 5. 10 pounds of yarn from Peter Patchis of www.peterpatchisyarns.com 6. Set of 5 tools for Standard gauge machine from Country Knitting of Maine (3x1,2x1,2x3, latch tool and needle pusher) 7. Pattern book from Eileen Montgomery of www.eileenmontgomery.com 8 Pack of 10 blank punch cards from countryknittingofmaine.com 9. Book Nicely Knit Lines and DVD from Country Knitting of Maine
Random Drawing prizes: 1. Pattern book from countryknittingofmaine.com - your choice up to $20 value - Lynn Acquard
2. 7 prong transfer tool from countryknittingofmaine.com . (I will draw for two winners.) Kathryn Doubrley & Elaine Myers
3. For Crochet or hand knitting entries: Variety of 6 skeins of yarn. 2 skeins of 3 colors. - Valerie Fongeallaz
From Kathryn Doubrley: #1 My 2022 challenge to knitters is to knit 100 hats along with me to contribute to the “Keep Maine Warm” campaign. As my Grandma use to say, “good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise,” I will be knitting and sending 100, also. As a matter of fact, I have challenged myself to knit all of my 100 with yarn rewound from samples. But you don’t have to do that. I’m making videos as I knit and some of those may help you with your own work. You can find them on my YouTube channel which is called: theanswerladyknits. Those who do send 100 hats will receive a $20 coupon code to use in my Ravelry store plus gratitude and respect from many sources. Please include your email address so I know where to send it. Winners: Rita McElroy Lynn Acquard JoAnn Smith
#2 For Hand Workers whether needle knitters, loom knitters or crocheters - The person who enters the hat selected by the judges as the best hand worked entry will receive a $20 coupon code for use in the Answer Lady’s Ravelry Store. Remember to identify your hat (s) as hand worked (hand knit, hand crocheted, loom, etc) and state the method to qualify. Be sure to include your email address so you can receive your code. Pia Given
#3 for all participants: a $5 coupon code to use in my Ravelry store if you include your email address with your entry so I know where to send your coupon code.
Winners: Lynn Acquard Helga Brumley Rita McElroy Elaine Myers Valerie Fongeallaz Linda Hebert Alice Arsenault JoAnn Smith
copyright 2005-2006 Country Knitting Of Maine
all rights reserved
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